Playing Ep 08

Hong Kong


The narrative revolves around an unschooled youngster who rises from the lowly beginnings of a brothel to an unlikely position of influence within the highest echelons of imperial power. His humble origin story sees him transition from the bustling locales of southern China to the center of Manchurian authority, where a chance meeting with a young emperor sets the stage for a unique bond.

This protagonist proves to be both crafty and devoted, as he navigates a delicate balance in his relationship with the emperor. He intertwines genuine concern and steadfast loyalty into his dealings, winning trust and favor. As his journey unfolds, this cunning character finds himself immersed in the labyrinth of court politics, deftly handling adversities to protect and serve his ruler.

His personal life is equally eventful, marked by a series of romantic conquests that see him charming a collection of women with his wiles and eventually marrying them. His ascent from the base society to commanding ranks and aristocracy is nothing short of extraordinary, accumulating an array of impressive titles bestowed by the emperor himself.

However, his story is tinged with irony, as he simultaneously occupies two opposed worlds: one as a noble serving the Qing dynasty, the other a leader within secret societies plotting against it. Ultimately, his conflicting roles reach a crescendo, compelling him to present the ultimate sacrifice—his life—as a way to resolve the internal struggle and as an act of allegiance to his friend, the emperor.

The tale culminates with the emperor, heartrendingly executing the sentence on his singular confidant, a moment that weighs heavily with pain and grief. In a somber quest for solace, the emperor takes to the vastness of the Great Wall, conversing with the heavens for comfort. The resolution is both startling and touching when the protagonist re-emerges, his demise a ruse, saving his imperial friend once more. Their parting is bittersweet; their friendship endures, albeit transitioning to a cherished memory that continues to bond them despite physical separation.

Episode Name Date Added
Episode 01 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 02 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 03 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 04 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 05 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 06 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 07 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 08 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 09 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 10 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 11 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 12 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 13 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 14 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 15 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 16 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 17 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 18 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 19 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 20 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 21 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 22 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 23 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 24 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 25 Nov 23, 2022
Episode 26End Nov 23, 2022

What people are saying

  • fiercezebra54

    Overall 10

    Story 10Acting 10Music 9.5Rewatch Value 9.5

    While my personal preference leans towards the earlier rendition of this tale, the current portrayal brings its unique attributes to the table. Granted, some elements seemed to lack authenticity, as the reliance on digital effects was glaringly apparent and detracted from the realism—provoking a chuckle at times where I should have shivered. Nonetheless, this incarnation retains its merit as a formidable interpretation of a beloved story, albeit with a layer of less convincing CGI.

    There's no denying the enchanting narrative spun by Jin Yong, a titan...

    in his own right. He crafts a world where wit and charm serve as currencies for a roving protagonist, whose antics earn him the affection of many and, intriguingly enough, the camaraderie of a monarch. The antagonist presents a daunting presence, while the plot seamlessly interweaves humor with the thrills of romance, the grip of suspense, and a dash of historical context—all while remaining faithful to the penned original.

    Dicky Cheung's performance is simply outstanding—it's difficult to overstate the caliber of his presence in this wuxia landscape; he infuses every scene with undeniable talent. Adding to this magnetic ensemble are the regal portrayals by Athena Chu and Ruby Lin, the former capturing hearts as the object of Cheung's character's affections and the latter embodying a princess with a radiant aura of youthful vivacity. Their collective on-screen dynamic is both visually arresting and emotionally compelling, showcasing a versatility that magnetizes an audience.

    Moreover, the show's infectious energy leaves an impression that lingers, the kind that incites spur-of-the-moment humming and spontaneous recital—indicative of a memorable production. While some may argue that there are other works, particularly from Cheung's earlier foray into television, that rival this drama's impression, this combination—a trinity of Dicky Cheung, the enthralling world of wuxia, and the allure of Athena Chu—is a recipe that few can contend with in the realm of visual storytelling.

  • quickheat

    Overall 9

    Story 10Acting 10Music 7Rewatch Value 8

    In the realm of historical epics, the fusion of a beloved actor with a classic tale never fails to capture the imagination. The brilliance of this series lies in its refreshing spin on a tale that has warmed hearts for generations. Witnessing the iconic Wei Xiao Bao through the eyes—and remarkable talent—of the esteemed Dicky Cheung, is an experience that molds and forever alters the character for contemporary audiences.

    Imagine taking a cherished narrative, embellishing it with riveting new flourishes – that's precisely what this series...

    achieves. Balancing respect for the tradition with enough innovation to keep long-time aficionados on their toes, this drama weaves complex political intrigue, heart-pounding action sequences, and deeply touching moments of human connection. Indeed, it's a storyteller's tour de force, drawing you into a whirlwind of emotions from mirthful laughter to the intimate silence of tears.

    The mosaic of talent assembled here is nothing short of stellar—a veritable constellation illuminating the landscape of Chinese drama. Especially breathtaking is the rejuvenation of Wei Xiao Bao's wives, each infused with a vibrancy and depth previously unexplored. In this iteration, every character, regardless of screen time, receives a moment to shine, each actor demonstrating impeccable craft that breathes new vigor into a tale as old as time.

    Dicky Cheung might not be synonymous with music, but his performances of the opening and closing themes resonate with an infectious modernity that will leave you humming long after the credits roll.

    There's an undeniable magic to certain scenes that will beckon you back, inviting you to experience those indelible moments anew. It's the hallmark of a show not just consumed, but cherished, likely to find a permanent residence on your list of series to revisit.

    At its core, this drama stands proudly as a paragon of traditional storytelling, given new wings by Dicky Cheung and his compelling portrayal. Marrying the best aspects of a period piece with undoubtable talent, this drama is poised to become an enduring favorite for viewers, both old and new to the legend it so beautifully reimagines.