Playing Ep 01End

Hong Kong


In a futuristic police drama, a officer named Kidd and his wife, Millie, find themselves in a dangerous situation when they are tasked with protecting Dr. Masterson, a renowned scientist who has discovered a revolutionary method of harnessing solar energy. Facing constant threats from powerful oil tycoons who want to eliminate Dr. Masterson, Kidd and Millie must ensure his safety at all costs.

The police department's Special Force receives credible intelligence that a group of humanoid soldiers, led by Kalon and Fiona, are planning to ambush Dr. Masterson at the Convention Center. A fierce battle breaks out at the event, resulting in the deaths of Millie and all the humanoids except Kalon and Fiona.

In a surprising turn of events, the oil tycoons obtain the secrets of time travel and use it to send upgraded versions of Kalon and Fiona to the year 2020 with the intention of assassinating Dr. Masterson when he was just a 12-year-old boy. The government becomes aware of this nefarious plan, prompting Kidd to undergo radical surgery, transforming himself into a bionic man with mechanical limbs. Alongside his daughter, Kiki, who will attend the same school as young Dr. Masterson, Kidd travels back in time to 2020.

Blending in as a police officer in 2020, Kidd must conceal his true identity to avoid suspicion. Despite his growing attraction to fellow officer Holly, Kidd is unable to reciprocate her feelings, knowing that his mission will eventually lead him back to 2080. The stage is set for a final showdown with the androids Kalon and Fiona, as the time-traveling duo threatens to alter history.

Episode Name Date Added
Episode 01End Jul 10, 2023

Sci-Fi Ratings:
Hong Kong


In a futuristic police drama, a officer named Kidd and his wife, Millie, find themselves in a dangerous situation when they are tasked with protecting Dr. Masterson, a renowned scientist who has discovered a revolutionary method of harnessing solar energy. Facing constant threats from powerful oil tycoons who want to eliminate Dr. Masterson, Kidd and Millie must ensure his safety at all costs.

The police department's Special Force receives credible intelligence that a group of humanoid soldiers, led by Kalon and Fiona, are planning to ambush Dr. Masterson at the Convention Center. A fierce battle breaks out at the event, resulting in the deaths of Millie and all the humanoids except Kalon and Fiona.

In a surprising turn of events, the oil tycoons obtain the secrets of time travel and use it to send upgraded versions of Kalon and Fiona to the year 2020 with the intention of assassinating Dr. Masterson when he was just a 12-year-old boy. The government becomes aware of this nefarious plan, prompting Kidd to undergo radical surgery, transforming himself into a bionic man with mechanical limbs. Alongside his daughter, Kiki, who will attend the same school as young Dr. Masterson, Kidd travels back in time to 2020.

Blending in as a police officer in 2020, Kidd must conceal his true identity to avoid suspicion. Despite his growing attraction to fellow officer Holly, Kidd is unable to reciprocate her feelings, knowing that his mission will eventually lead him back to 2080. The stage is set for a final showdown with the androids Kalon and Fiona, as the time-traveling duo threatens to alter history.

Episode Name Date Added
Episode 01End Jul 10, 2023