Playing Ep 04



The narrative revolves around a tight-kntity collective of high school acquaintances who, after several years apart, find themselves reunited during a special evening gathering. As the night unfolds, the air fills with nostalgia and the room with echoes of laughter and heartfelt confessions. They delve into a treasure trove of memories, unpacking tales of romantic escapades, the complexities of intimate bonds, and the myriad experiences that shape life's journey post-nuptials. Each friend contributes a unique thread to the tapestry of shared history, illustrating the enduring bonds of friendship and the ways in which life's paths can diverge yet converge in moments like these.

Episode Name Date Added
Episode 01 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 02 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 03 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 04 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 05 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 06 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 07 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 08 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 09 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 10 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 11 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 12 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 13 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 14 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 15 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 16 Jul 12, 2024
Episode 17END Jul 12, 2024