In this captivating story, an enchanting and attractive English tutor named Pleng finds her life taking an unexpected twist. One day, she is approached with an extraordinary request by one of her students - to help her end her relationship with her Thai boyfriend, Gym. The hurdle is that Gym doesn't comprehend English, so Pleng's student records a voice message and asks Pleng to translate it for him.
However, when Gym discovers that he is being dumped, he places the blame on Pleng for his girlfriend's departure. He believes it's because Pleng taught his girlfriend English to help her pass a crucial job interview in the US. Gym seizes this opportunity and convinces Pleng to teach him English as well, as he hopes to travel to the US and reconcile with his girlfriend. Although hesitant, Pleng agrees to help.
Meanwhile, amidst this complex situation, Pleng finds herself falling in love with another one of her students, Pruek. Pruek is a handsome young man from a respectable family, adding even more layers of emotion to the evolving plot.