Playing Ep 41



Immerse yourself in a captivating narrative that intertwines love and destiny, weaving the story of a resourceful nomad on the brink of an extraordinary revelation. Her life is upended when it becomes known that she is no mere traveler, but the reincarnation of the Divine Maiden, predestined to unearth an ancient and priceless relic. As dark forces emerge, intent on capturing her for their own insidious purposes, fate guides her into the path of a valiant guardian.

This enigmatic savior, concealed behind a mask, is far from a random defender. He is none other than a determined and politically astute prince, whose aspirations stretch beyond heroism to the very crown itself. Through perilous escapades and close encounters, the growing bond between the prince and the maiden with an ancient secret could change the course of their lives and the kingdom forever. Their journey is fraught with danger, yet hope shines brightly, as they confront adversaries and struggle to protect the nascent love that may well be their salvation.

Episode Name Date Added
Episode 01 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 02 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 03 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 04 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 05 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 06 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 07 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 08 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 09 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 10 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 11 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 12 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 13 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 14 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 15 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 16 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 17 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 18 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 19 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 20 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 21 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 22 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 23 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 24 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 25 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 26 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 27 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 28 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 29 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 30 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 31 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 32 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 33 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 34 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 35 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 36 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 37 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 38 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 39 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 40 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 41 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 42 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 43 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 44 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 45 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 46 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 47 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 48 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 49 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 50 Oct 04, 2022
Episode 51End Oct 04, 2022

What people are saying

  • sweetwill5

    Overall 7.5

    Story 7Acting 8.5Music 8.5Rewatch Value 7.5

    **Caution: Potential spoilers ahead**

    Plot: The core issue of this series lies in its storytelling. The initial setup was promising, showcasing a cute and intriguing dynamic between the main characters. However, midway through, the decision to keep the leads apart for extended periods felt forced and drained the chemistry that was the heart of the show. The concluding twists were somewhat predictable, yet the abundance of deaths in the finale felt excessive and somewhat gratuitous, lacking meaningful impact.

    Acting: Ariel Lin shines in her role, demonstrating a...

    genuine investment in her character and delivering emotionally resonant performances, even in moments of vulnerability. Zhang Bin Bin, though a bit inconsistent at times, manages to portray his character effectively, despite a noticeable change in vocal delivery as the series progresses. The rest of the cast, while competent, did not leave a lasting impression.

    Overall: While there are elements to appreciate, such as the lead actors' chemistry, the series falls short due to questionable plot choices and character developments. The prolonged separation of the main couple and the inclusion of multiple deaths in the final episodes detract from the overall viewing experience. Despite the potential for improvement, the series may not warrant a rewatch due to these drawbacks. Ultimately, a collaboration between Ariel Lin and Zhang Bin Bin holds promise for future projects, but this particular series fails to fully capitalize on their talents.

  • bravewhale

    Overall 6.5

    Story 6.5Acting 7Music 7Rewatch Value 5

    Warning: The following review contains spoilers. The storyline is average, lacking any significant developments. The resolution at the end feels illogical and leaves much to be desired. The fight sequences in the final episode are unconvincing. Overall, the series is underwhelming. Many viewers are left puzzled by the conclusion, with a common sentiment being a resounding "What just happened?" One character's demise seems final, only to have them inexplicably reappear in the closing moments without any explanation. It's a frustrating loose end that the series...

    fails to address.

  • slowcheetah

    Overall 6.5

    Story 6.5Acting 8Music 6.5Rewatch Value 5

    Let's put aside the fact that the show's attempt to blend cute and comedic elements often crossed the line into annoyance rather than endearment. Also, let's not dwell on the excessive focus on a particular character who, let's be honest, never really redeemed his questionable behavior throughout the series. The so-called love triangle in the storyline felt forced and added little substance beyond frustrating viewers and further convoluting an already convoluted plot.

    But oh, that final episode. What were the creators thinking? It was an utter...

    disaster. The most unsatisfying ending imaginable. So many loose ends left hanging, so many unresolved plot points. I won't spoil the specifics, but suffice it to say, it was rushed, nonsensical, and left a multitude of gaping plot holes. It wasn't about ambiguity or open interpretation; it was just unfinished business that left viewers scratching their heads. How could characters who had been portrayed as villains suddenly morph into heroes without any logical explanation? It was a letdown of epic proportions, leaving fans feeling like their investment in the show had been utterly wasted. I can handle heartbreak, even tragic endings grounded in realism, but what I can't abide is a haphazardly thrown together conclusion devoid of any coherence or respect for the audience's loyalty.

  • tinyrhinoceros

    Overall 10

    Story 10Acting 10Music 10Rewatch Value 10

    I seldom write reviews, but this drama truly deserves all the accolades! The characters are exceptional, and the storyline maintains a steady pace throughout. It manages to remain engaging and never drags despite its numerous episodes. Ariel Lin's performance is outstanding - she embodies her role so perfectly that it's difficult to imagine anyone else in her place. Zhang Bin Bin was a delightful surprise in this drama. His acting skills are top-notch, and his on-screen chemistry with Ariel surpasses any other pairing he's been...

    part of, in my opinion. It's evident that he put his heart and soul into his character, which resonated with the audience. Austin Lin, portraying the second male lead, started off somewhat out of place but gradually found his footing within the narrative. His portrayal of unconditional love for Ariel's character is commendable, evoking empathy and admiration from viewers. An actor's ability to evoke emotions in the audience signifies true talent, and Austin succeeds in doing just that. I've enthusiastically recommended this drama to many friends! If there's one critique, it's about the ending - without giving away any spoilers, I believe it could have been more fulfilling. Nonetheless, this drama is worth watching repeatedly!

  • GrumpyTom90

    Overall 8

    Story 7.5Acting 8.5Music 8Rewatch Value 8

    As I sit down to pen my thoughts about the TV series I recently watched, the storyline remains vivid in my memory. Reflecting on it, I ponder a question for fellow viewers – do you prefer a drama that lays its cards on the table from the start or one that sneaks up on you with unexpected twists and turns? My feelings are mixed after watching this particular series, not my first foray into Chinese dramas and certainly not my last. Familiar with the genre,...

    especially historical ones, I must confess to feeling slightly deceived as the show approached its conclusion. Let's delve into it.

    The Positives: There were numerous highlights to savor in this series. The on-screen chemistry between the two leads was undeniably electric. In fact, the overall camaraderie among the cast members was praiseworthy. Most of the actors delivered commendable performances, although one failed to impress. The narrative grabbed viewers' attention right from the start and held it captivated for a considerable stretch. The female characters in particular shone brightly, with their scenes etching the most memorable moments. The series managed to blend humor effortlessly, ensuring that it didn't take itself too seriously... until it did.

    The Negatives: Admittedly set in a patriarchal society of yesteryears, the male characters in this tale were a major letdown (bar a few exceptions). Numerous exasperating scenes provoked eye-rolls of epic proportions. While the storyline was engaging initially, it lost momentum in the later episodes. Viewers endured a dozen episodes sans any interaction between the leads, which felt like an eternity. As the series drew to a close, plot points failed to intertwine seamlessly, culminating in rushed and unsatisfying resolutions.

    The Conclusion: Ah, the ending – a critical component that can either elevate or diminish an entire body of work. For many, the conclusion of this series may have veered towards the latter. Despite anticipating much of what unfolded in the final episodes, the ultimate outcome left a bitter aftertaste. Avoiding spoilers, I'll simply state that while the conclusion fell short of expectations, I'd consider rewatching the series. The prospect of witnessing the twins' fierce personas, the endearing banter between Xiao Xia and Yuan Chong, and the comedic flair of Master Zhu is enticing. The series possesses moments of genuine humor and showcases strong performances that warrant revisiting. Despite its flaws, the adorable dynamic between Buqi and Chen Yu is compelling enough to outweigh the shortcomings, prompting a nostalgic trip down memory lane.