Playing Ep 33



In a historical era known as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, a brave young protagonist named Lu Ping manages to escape the clutches of a malevolent force called Shanhai Tower. During his journey, Lu experiences a moment of profound enlightenment, which unveils not just one but six different spiritual identities within him. Under the tutelage of his skilled teacher, Lu hones his abilities and encounters fellow individuals who share an everlasting bond with him. Along the way, he develops a deep affection for a young woman named Qinalong. However, everything takes an unexpected turn when a prophetic vision reveals Lu's connection to an unsolved crime that occurred in the martial arts realm a decade ago.

Episode Name Date Added
Episode 01 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 02 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 03 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 04 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 05 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 06 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 07 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 08 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 09 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 10 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 11 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 12 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 13 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 14 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 15 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 16 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 17 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 18 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 19 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 20 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 21 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 22 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 23 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 24 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 25 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 26 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 27 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 28 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 29 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 30 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 31 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 32 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 33 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 34 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 35 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 36 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 37 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 38 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 39 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 40 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 41 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 42 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 43 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 44 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 45 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 46 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 47 Oct 26, 2023
Episode 48End Oct 26, 2023

What people are saying

  • bluntwill69

    Overall 5

    Story 5Acting 7.5Music 8Rewatch Value 3

    So, I recently decided to check out this TV series that I had been looking forward to for a while. Let me tell you, it had its ups and downs. The story itself wasn't terrible, it had some twists and turns that kept things interesting. However, the way they executed the storyline was a huge letdown. It started off strong and had me hooked, but then it took a nosedive. Some episodes seemed pointless and just dragged on, and there were way too many cliché...

    scenes that made it disappointing.

    Now, let's talk about the acting and chemistry. The cast was decent, but nothing extraordinary. There have been some negative comments about one of the actresses, but personally, I think she did a decent job, considering her character wasn't very likable. The real problem here is the lack of chemistry between the main characters. I just didn't feel any emotional connection between them. There were a couple of side characters who had some chemistry, though.

    Now, the twist in the storyline. It was meant to surprise us and reveal the real villain, but it fell flat. I got so confused that I lost focus. There were multiple villains, with one killing parents and another planning to destroy the world. So, who should the main character choose? It just seemed a bit out there, to be honest.

    Speaking of characters, there was one in particular that lacked depth. We didn't really get to know much about her background or where she came from. I was expecting a big surprise revelation about her parents, but that never happened. It was a missed opportunity.

    On a positive note, the songs in this series were really good. However, I found myself fast-forwarding through quite a few scenes just to get through it. Overall, it was a letdown. I regret spending a whole month on this drama when it could have been so much better.

  • YoungFootloose10

    Overall 5

    Story 7Acting 7Music 6Rewatch Value 4

    Attention all series enthusiasts! Prepare to dive into a world filled with excitement and anticipation in this captivating series!

    I was thrilled to embark on this adventure, especially after witnessing the incredible talent of Arthur Chen in Ever Night. However, I must confess that my initial enthusiasm took a slight detour along the way. But don't let that discourage you!

    The story itself is undeniably solid, offering a delightful blend of twists and turns. Though, I must admit some aspects were somewhat predictable. Nevertheless, we find...

    ourselves not only intrigued but also eagerly pressing on to uncover the mysteries that lie ahead.

    Now, let's address the characters. While Arthur Chen and the young cast do their best, there were moments where their performances fell a tad flat. However, let's not dwell on that! There were still many moments where their dedication shone through, leaving us eagerly rooting for their success.

    As we venture further into the series, we encounter a few detours from the main storyline. These unexpected side stories momentarily shift our focus away from the beloved central characters. While it may cause some confusion, it only serves to heighten the suspense and keep us on our toes.

    But fear not! The series eventually circles back, allowing the main characters to reclaim the spotlight they truly deserve. And oh, what a finale it is! Without giving too much away, I can confidently say that it delivers a satisfying resolution to the captivating journey we embarked upon.

    Now, should you invest your time in this series? Absolutely! Particularly if you're a dedicated fan of Arthur Chen, whose undeniable talent shines throughout. Though, I must admit, for those seeking a quick one-off series binge, you may want to explore other options. But if you're willing to patiently navigate the occasional bumps in the road, you'll be rewarded with an ultimately enjoyable experience. So grab your popcorn, get comfortable, and immerse yourself in this thrilling series!

  • calmshen71

    Overall 9

    Story 8.5Acting 10Music 9Rewatch Value 7.5

    Once upon a time, I stumbled upon a TV series that didn't seem very promising at first. With my expectations set at an all-time low, I pressed play and delved into the unknown. Little did I know that this show would surprise me in the most delightful way.

    Despite the negative comments and reviews swirling around the show's plot and acting, I found myself disagreeing with the naysayers. To my pleasant surprise, the acting was actually quite impressive, and the writing held its own ground. While...

    the story itself may not have been the epitome of originality, it still managed to captivate me with its intriguing premise and well-crafted development.

    Throughout the series, I was treated to a whirlwind of unexpected twists and turns. Each new revelation tantalized my curiosity and left me hungry for more. And what a relief it was to experience the steady pacing of the narrative, allowing ample time for me to absorb the rich tapestry of information and emotions woven within the show. I even found myself chuckling at the well-placed comedic moments sprinkled throughout.

    Now, let's talk about the acting. While the female lead received her fair share of criticism from other viewers, I must say that I quite enjoyed her performance. In my personal opinion, both leads truly embodied their characters and effectively conveyed the essence of the story. Sure, it may not have been a flawless display of thespian prowess, but it was definitely commendable.

    Moving on to the music, I must confess that I'm no expert in this area. However, I can attest to the fact that the musical accompaniment in the series was pleasant and catchy, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to the overall experience.

    As for rewatch value, I have to admit that this series is quite lengthy, making it impractical to revisit every episode. Nevertheless, there are certainly a few standout episodes that I would gladly watch again for the sheer joy they brought me.

    In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend giving this show a chance. It may not cater to everyone's taste, but if you have a penchant for historical dramas filled with action, fantasy, and romance, then this might just be the perfect choice for your next binge-watching session. So grab your popcorn, dim the lights, and embark on this enchanting journey. Happy watching!

  • SlowKeanu

    Overall 8

    Story 9Acting 7Music 8Rewatch Value 6.5

    Once upon a time, there was a drama that received a lot of criticism. People claimed it was just an average wuxia series, but there were some who saw the potential in it. Like other dramas in its genre, it had the usual elements of surprise twists and hidden agendas. However, at the beginning, it gave off a lighthearted, high-budget vibe that stood out from the norm.

    As the series progressed, the reason behind this unique feeling became clear. It was all in the execution and...

    pacing. The pacing, while not perfect, wasn't a deal-breaker for me. But when combined with the poor execution, it sometimes detracted from the storytelling. Even though I'm not one to press the fast forward button, it was challenging to stay fully engaged.

    When it came to the acting, one actor's performance stood out for me. Arthur's acting has always been passable, even though some find him too stiff with a cocky or angry expression. As for Cheng Xiao, a newcomer to the industry, I didn't expect much from her. However, compared to other characters with a similar vibe, she did surprisingly well. The other cast members also did a decent job, thankfully avoiding any cringeworthy moments.

    The music tracks in the series were decent enough. In some shows, I tend to skip the opening tracks, but in this case, I didn't mind them playing in the background while I did other things. As for visuals and cinematography, the CGI was satisfactory, although not heavily utilized. Costumes weren't a significant issue for me, as I'm not very discerning when it comes to them. The drama set was what you would typically expect from a series in this genre, and the usage and settings were well done. However, none of the shots stood out as particularly impressive.

    In the end, this drama falls into the category of an average wuxia series. It has its flaws but remains watchable, contrary to what some would claim. Unfortunately, it fails to deliver that hardcore wuxia feel due to its execution. Instead, it maintains a lighthearted tone reminiscent of low-budget shows. The ending, though considered a happy one, has a bittersweet quality to it that left me feeling unsatisfied. Many characters meet their demise, which, given the lighthearted atmosphere, clashed with my expectations of a happier outcome. It lacked the intended sense of dread, making certain character deaths a letdown.

    As for rewatch value, I'm quite selective about giving dramas a second chance. It usually happens when a series has truly captured my attention or if there's a second season that I enjoyed. This particular drama didn't manage to evoke that level of investment from me. Consequently, I don't foresee myself revisiting it anytime soon.

  • sweetko

    Overall 9

    Story 9.5Acting 9.5Music 9.5Rewatch Value 8.5

    So, there's this amazing TV series that takes you on this heartfelt journey through the intertwined relationships of friends, family, and lovers. It's all about this guy, the main character, and his personal growth, set against the backdrop of youthful desire and deep connections with the people he holds dear. And let me tell you, there's a seriously heartwarming love story in there too!

    But here's the thing, this poor guy has been dealt some seriously unfair cards in life. People keep sacrificing him for what...

    they think is justice, and it's just not right. However, deep down, he's got this innate goodness that shines through. The production crew really went for it, making some heartbreaking sacrifices in order to bring the characters to a place of growth. And while the ending might not satisfy everyone, it serves a greater purpose in teaching these characters about life, their responsibilities, and who they truly are.

    Can we take a moment to talk about the actors? Chengxiao really stepped up her game as the series went on, and she has such cute chemistry with Arthur Chen, who gave an emotional powerhouse of a performance throughout. He nailed that balance between being a charming, wickedly smart young guy and someone who's been through the wringer, struggling to find his true self.

    Oh, and don't even get me started on the soundtrack. It's absolutely beautiful and adds so much depth to every scene. Seriously, it pulled at my heartstrings more times than I can count. Sure, the production might not have had the biggest budget, but the storyline is so lovely and has this subtle complexity that really connects you to the characters' emotions. By the end, you'll be completely invested in their journeys and dying to see it through to the very last episode.

    So, yeah, I highly recommend giving this TV series a shot. Just be prepared for plenty of twists and turns along the way. And while the ending might not be all rainbows and unicorns, it's definitely not a letdown either. Trust me, this is one journey you won't want to miss out on!