Playing Ep 01



In this epic tale of love and martial arts, the narrative orbits around the leader of the famed Listening Snow Tower and the woman who captures his heart. He is revered as a formidable force within the martial world, a formidable dragon in human form, while she carries the notorious title of the blood demon's offspring.

The malignant Bai Yue Sect stands as humanity's bane, the font of calamity within the sphere of martial artists. In a bold alliance, three top-notch warriors — known for their unmatched prowess — unite with the resolute Xiao Shi Hui, resolute in their shared commitment to topple the nefarious sect.

Amidst the turmoil, the cunning sect leader of Bai Yue wields a mystical bell that breaches the mind of one of the great masters, driving him towards a tragic edge. In a desperate act to resist harming his own kin under the sinister influence, he chooses a sad yet noble end.

Out of the ashes of tragedy, the great master Bai Di embraces the fallen warrior's desolate daughter Shu Jing Rong as his protégée. She matures alongside her martial siblings under the same tutelage. Amidst them is the son of Xiao Shi Hui, who is particularly cherished by one of the martial masters — a young man who not only shares a profound bond with Shu Jing Rong but is also the poised successor of Listening Snow Tower.

Shu Jing Rong's life is shadowed by a seemingly inescapable curse — one of bringing misfortune to those around her, and this revelation haunts her with overwhelming remorse. She arms herself with her father's legendary Blood Rose Sword and, in an act of fate or defiance, aligns with Listening Snow Tower.

Together with the accomplished successor, they stand united, challenging the relentless force of the Bai Yue Sect, forging ahead in a battle of strength, will, and spirit.

Episode Name Date Added
Episode 01 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 02 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 03 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 04 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 05 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 06 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 07 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 08 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 09 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 10 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 11 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 12 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 13 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 14 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 15 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 16 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 17 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 18 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 19 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 20 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 21 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 22 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 23 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 24 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 25 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 26 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 27 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 28 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 29 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 30 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 31 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 32 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 33 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 34 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 35 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 36 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 37 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 38 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 39 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 40 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 41 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 42 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 43 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 44 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 45 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 46 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 47 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 48 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 49 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 50 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 51 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 52 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 53 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 54 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 55 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 56End Nov 19, 2022

What people are saying

  • ancientostrich

    Overall 9

    Story 9Acting 10Music 8.5Rewatch Value 8

    The recent small screen offering is a compelling mix of unbridled action and dynamic combat sequences that are sure to thrill the most avid of action aficionados. At the core of the narrative's appeal is the palpable synergy between the lead duo, whose on-screen rapport provides a robust anchor for the unfolding drama.

    Investing in a solid narrative framework, the series commendably manages not to veer off course — a trap that ensnares many of its contemporaries. The saga unfolds around a pair of protagonists and...

    the people they hold dear, elegantly weaving a tale about the depth of conviction, the power of love, and the profound sacrifices that come with defending these virtues.

    Audiences are treated to a scrumptious smorgasbord of elements; expect to find rousing action, formidable fistfights, a dash of deranged romantic pursuits, strategic maneuverings, a sprinkle of romance, and an unwavering display of allegiance and resolve. All these components are blended seamlessly, reflective of a recipe that knows how to cater to its viewers' tastes.

    Concluding on a note that is as satisfying as it is conclusive, the series eschews the often frustrating cliffhanger in favor of a neatly-tied resolution. This approach reassures the viewer that their emotional and time investments have been worthwhile.

    Admirers of rich historical tapestries will find this series a particularly rewarding watch. It earns a hearty endorsement for those drawn to period-driven tales where action, strategy, and heart coalesce to create television worth the commitment.

  • darkseo

    Overall 7.5

    Story 7Acting 8Music 8Rewatch Value 6

    Caution: This critique might reveal key plot points
    The series undoubtedly had its moments, creating an enjoyable but not entirely spellbinding viewing experience. It fell short of becoming a personal favorite due to several points where the narrative stumbled. Most notably, the dynamic between the principal cast lacked the spark that turns a good performance into an unforgettable one. The lead actress's portrayal during critical combat sequences was peculiarly unconvincing; her expression was an awkward, incongruous grin rather than an intimidating sneer, which rather detracted...

    from the gravity of the scenes.

    Additionally, the portrayal of the female lead presented a conundrum. She was introduced as a formidable warrior, second only to her male counterpart in prowess. Nevertheless, her frequent defeats and rescues undermined this setup, leaving one to question the consistency of her characterization. Her vulnerability was at odds with the show's efforts to establish her as a paragon of martial arts and swordplay.

    The narrative arcs of various supporting characters were also unsatisfying. A surprising number took a turn for the worse, aligning with malevolent forces, meeting untimely ends, or making choices in the eleventh hour that seemed illogical when considering their journey throughout the series. This erratic development was disheartening.

    Resilient in my viewership, I remained committed until the final credits rolled, driven by the hope of a more meaningful conclusion. While the action sequences were choreographed brilliantly, in hindsight, the show was a one-time affair for me. I don't find myself regretting the initial indulgence, but a second helping isn't on the menu.

    For those in search of a series with a comparable ambiance but a more rewarding execution, I'd recommend seeking refuge in "The Flame's Daughter," a series that captured my affection thoroughly. For this particular show, however, I'd suggest passing it over in favor of a story with a more potent narrative and enthralling character dynamics.

  • GentleOstrich

    Overall 9.5

    Story 9Acting 8.5Music 9Rewatch Value 9

    Be advised that this article may reveal key plot points
    The series in question delivers a captivating narrative bolstered by an impressive display of martial arts choreography, echoing themes reminiscent of another epic saga set in an ancient fantasy realm. This recent drama invites viewers to draw parallels between its characters and those of the previous series, making it an exercise in nostalgia that might enchant or exhaust depending on one's affinity for such reflections.

    For aficionados of the predecessor series, this show serves as a...

    delightful continuum, effectively staving off the post-series blues. Denial might be a river in Egypt, but in the case of these dramas, indulging in a bit of it seems quite justified.

    Conversely, viewers who didn’t take a shine to the former series or who abandoned it mid-way may not find this cup of tea to their liking. However, for newcomers unacquainted with the aforementioned narrative, this series lays out an excellent tale that may encourage a subsequent deep dive into older adventures post-viewing. A word of caution for those who favor a leisurely narrative; this show's brisk pace eschews lingering on the extraneous, offering a tight, engaging watch.

    The series, famously named after its focal point, the tumultuous martial arts sect, implores viewers to pay close attention. Our protagonist, the successor to the troubled leadership, is tasked with the monumental endeavor of restoring the sect's lost prestige, all the while battling a life-long ailment. Yet, this affliction doesn't dampen his martial prowess or his cunning, serving as a minor footnote on his larger life canvas.

    The protagonist’s relationship with his beloved, the daughter of an ominous figure, mirrors another storied romance, reinforcing themes of protection and empowerment in the face of a common enemy. She battles internal demons of a different kind, haunted by a destiny that seems to spell doom for those around her.

    The power tussles that ensue are nothing groundbreaking within the genre, but are executed with sufficient finesse. While the series may lack the star-studded performances of its inspirational predecessor, the ensemble cast holds their own, delivering believable portrayals that complement the storyline without detracting from its essence.

    Visually, the series opts for simplicity over ostentatious displays, employing a restrained color palette that accentuates its comic book-esque aesthetic, a choice that will likely appeal to a certain demographic.

    In sum, this series offers a delectable fast-paced journey that is difficult to pull away from once immersed. Rated: [undefined]. Whether to embark on this adventure? Absolutely, with the gentle suggestion to leave past associations at the door and appreciate the show on its own merits!

  • brightsong

    Overall 9

    Story 8.5Acting 9Music 9Rewatch Value 8

    The series in question may not be flawless, but it certainly captures your attention and refuses to let go. As I delved into its domain, not once was I tempted to use that fast-forward button—an attestment to the drama's magnetic appeal. Now, the examination of the good, the not-so-great, and that peculiarly enjoyable bad:

    Among the highlights, the series boasts an array of supporting characters that are unparalleled. They strike a fine balance, waving the banner of competence in their professions while simultaneously revealing vulnerabilities that...

    render them more human and therefore, more engaging. Each has their own narrative thread that, while subordinate to the central arc, remains captivating enough to keep my eyes firmly fixed on the screen. And the women—such pillars of strength! It's a delight to witness a production where the female characters are steering the ship with such commanding presence.

    Moving onto the aspect of romance, and this drama chooses a path less saturated with cliché. The love unfurls gently, devoid of rush and cliché; it's a subplot that breathes naturally amidst the torrent of more pressing narrative concerns, thus making the tender moments shared all the more poignant.

    Our protagonists—and the cast behind them—deserve a shower of praise. Angela Yuen, in her inaugural lead role, delivers a performance that encapsulates both loathing and fascination, and while Crystal Yuan sometimes slightly misses the mark, her portrayal remains engaging and committed.

    The storytelling grasps you firmly—an intricate tapestry of main and side plots that interlace effortlessly, rich with surprises and new faces that later prove crucial to the central storyline. The shift from vengeance to a loftier pursuit of justice and the moral quandaries encountered are woven together in a thoughtful, compelling narrative.

    The visual splendor deserves its own ovation: the aesthetics, the meticulously choreographed fight sequences—rain-soaked battles stand out as a visual sonnet amongst the kinetic artistry that embellishes this drama. The production values—set design, camera work, editing—conspire to create an arresting display.

    And then, there's my favorite character, Bi Luo—what an exceptional presence.

    Yet the series is not without its dimmer moments. The conclusion feels remarkably subdued, considering the crescendo of events preceding it. Expectations of a grand finale instead meet a somewhat pedestrian end. A character's decisions in the latter episodes bemuse and somewhat squander their potential. There is also a noticeable wane in combat prowess among certain characters when the plot demands it, an inconsistency that, although not glaring, still prompts a hint of exasperation. Not to mention an overreliance on poison-oriented plot devices that seldom follow through on their lethal promise.

    And then there are the elements I have a soft spot for—the delectably terrible. The underwater sequences, inexplicably endearing in their subpar CGI, evoke a charm that seems reminiscent of other works in its genre—one might call it a staple at this point. And the protagonist's persistent cough, growing from a slight irritation to an amusing, almost cherished feature of the drama.

    This is not a series for those with an appetite exclusively tuned to romance. The romantic threads are present, yes, but they're woven subtly throughout the richer tapestry of plot and character. If you seek a narrative populated with richly fleshed-out characters, intriguing plotlines, and top-tier production, tempered with sheer entertainment value, then you might find this series a near-perfect storm.

  • gentlemars

    Overall 6.5

    Story 7Acting 8Music 7Rewatch Value 5

    Be aware that this review may reveal plot details
    For enthusiasts of the Wuxia genre, complete with Martial Arts flare and a touch of Fantasy, this series is certainly a commendable watch. However, those hoping for a sweeping romance may find themselves wanting. The central pairing's love story seldom takes flight amidst a turbulent sea of doubts, primarily stemming from the heroine's persistent suspicions towards her steadfast defender. The narrative often relies on secondary characters to provide exposition on the leading duo's dynamic, punctuated by...

    an array of retrospective sequences and flashbacks.

    The storyline otherwise stands on robust foundations, offering a genuinely gripping experience imbued with thrilling action sequences. Nonetheless, the writers' choice to weave a tapestry of unexpected demise amongst key characters seems to inject unnecessary tragedy into the tale. The intention to depict a world where the callous nature of martial survivalist society triumphs does overshadow the romantic subplot of the drama. The protagonist, despite an immediate enamorment with the leading lady, finds his affections often met with her obstinacy and persistent misconceptions.

    In a late-game turn of events, the series presents a semblance of romantic closure that may appease viewers' thirst for a heartwarming conclusion. For those prioritizing edge-of-the-seat action and compelling performances from a stellar supporting cast, this drama delivers in spades. It is a show worth the watch for the splendor of its combat and the depth of its secondary storylines, if less so for its love story. Enjoy the ride!