In an unexpected twist of fate, a revered and successful novelist finds her world intersecting with that of a fresh-faced editor from a publishing house. This narrative weaves tales of their extraordinary escapades as they find their way back home.
The journey begins when a young editor, drawn in by a captivating manuscript, finds himself newly employed at a respected publishing firm. What he assumes to be a standard initial task—ensuring authors adhere to their submission deadlines—turns into a far more complex challenge. His target, a whimsically unpredictable writer notorious for delaying her submissions, has yet to send in her latest piece.
Their paths serendipitously cross in a bar, where the young editor's quest to secure the manuscript comes to a head. The writer strikes a deal with him—she will only hand over her work if he acquiesces to her peculiar demands. Left with little choice, and the pressure of his new job weighing on him, he agrees, setting the stage for an adventure neither anticipated. As they set out together, their journey promises growth, mishaps, and perhaps, a unique bond between two seemingly disparate souls.