This nostalgic slice of life drama, set in the past, is a delightful trip down memory lane for those who grew up in that era or have fond memories of the late 20th century. The story revolves around a close-knit group of high school friends and their strong bond with the neighborhood. It mainly focuses on their daily lives, going to school, spending time together, helping their community, and more. If you enjoyed the TV series "When We Were Young," then I highly recommend checking...
this out. Each of the main characters has their own distinct personality, making it enjoyable to watch them interact and hang out together.
Gao Zhi Yuan, the serious and intelligent member of the group, takes on a tutoring role for his friends, despite his seemingly indifferent demeanor. Tan Xin, a loud and hardworking girl, defies stereotypes of being academically challenged, though she does face some struggles with studying. Despite her short temper, she is compassionate and empathetic. Zhou Li Zhi, a beautiful and daring girl, is initially hesitant but open to trying new experiences that pique her interest. Surprisingly, Tan Xin and Li Zhi, who are cousins, are not portrayed as rivals. Chen Cheng, the second smartest in the group, may come across as arrogant initially, but he proves to be a reliable and honest friend who prioritizes his relationships over romantic interests. Guo Fu Cheng, with his natural and hilarious comedic timing, stands out as the comic relief in this drama. Finally, Ma Xiao Yi enters the plot later on, surrounded by misunderstandings. While initially perceived as a tough bully, he reveals his softer side and the desire for genuine friendships.
The cinematography, reminiscent of "When We Were Young," adds depth to the storytelling by using editing techniques to expose hidden truths. Each episode carries its own meaningful message, enhancing the overall viewing experience. While romance takes a backseat in this drama, there are subtle gestures and expressions that hint at crushes and the characters' feelings for each other. Expect some infuriating characters, as they embody the traditional Chinese family expectations regarding marriage prospects. However, there are no drawn-out love triangles that may frustrate viewers. Overall, I highly recommend this drama for those looking for a relaxing and enjoyable viewing experience, free from hair-pulling tension.