Playing Ep 20



In this tale of lost identity and political intrigue, an amnesiac princess awakens to a life she cannot recall. Doubts about her true persona haunt her, fueled by elusive fragments of her forgotten past. The princess hails from a western kingdom, and to cement an alliance with the northern realm, she is directed to wed a prince who adamantly refuses her at their first encounter.

The collapsed nuptial arrangement leads the princess to adopt an alter ego as the proprietor of a modest tea house. With her new identity, she embarks on a clandestine quest to uncover a collection of legendary tomes once owned by a prominent family, believed to hold the secrets to a nation's prosperity.

Her fateful journey intertwines with the prince who once spurned her, yet he finds himself captivated by her current guise, oblivious to her royal lineage. As their bond deepens, the revelation of her true identity looms over them, even as she faces an edict to unite with a general from the northern lands.

Their worlds, blurred by secrets and duties, create a delicate dance between truth and deception, where hearts are risked in the balance of power and destiny. This narrative weaves through pages of history and personal struggle, exploring the complexities of loyalty, love, and identity.

The story is inspired by a prominent novel, often drawing upon the rich tapestry of its material to create a world where the past is as mysterious and influential as the present, with characters perpetually caught in the web of their own making.

Episode Name Date Added
Episode 01 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 02 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 03 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 04 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 05 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 06 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 07 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 08 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 09 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 10 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 11 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 12 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 13 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 14 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 15 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 16 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 17 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 18 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 19 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 20 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 21 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 22 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 23 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 24 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 25 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 26 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 27 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 28 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 29 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 30 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 31 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 32 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 33 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 34 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 35 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 36 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 37 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 38 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 39 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 40 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 41 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 42 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 43 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 44 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 45 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 46 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 47 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 48 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 49 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 50 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 51 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 52 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 53 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 54 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 55 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 56 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 57 Nov 19, 2022
Episode 58End Nov 19, 2022

What people are saying

  • ShyNotorious11

    Overall 5

    Story 6.5Acting 5Music 5.5Rewatch Value 1

    Be mindful, this critique might reveal key details.
    The series kicks off with a promise of enigma, managing to capture initial interest with its shadowy premise. Yet as it unfolds, it succumbs to a tiresome pattern, laboriously recycling scenes and dynamics. Our protagonists' romance oscillates between cloyingly sweet and implausibly fraught, failing to strike a balance of believability. The male lead's fortuitous timing in playing the hero is as incessant as the side glances of his visage; one could mistake his presence for convenience rather...

    than substance.

    In terms of acting, there's a noticeable disparity. Where the male lead's portrayal feels lackluster and his on-screen romance forced, the character of Fu Chou emerges with a compelling and nuanced performance that all but steals the spotlight. Rich in layers and emotional depth, he overshadows the somewhat one-dimensional male and female leads, whose love story feels more obligatory than organic.

    One could argue the narrative found its stride in the waning episodes, but by then the character arcs of our duo feel undercooked—pale shadows amid an otherwise vibrant ensemble. Therein lies a stark contrast with acclaimed counterparts, which adeptly fleshed out their tapestry of characters, whilst this tale hinges excessively on the aesthetic lure of its male lead, whose charisma, unfortunately, does not match his screen time.

    The construction of the pivotal love story buckles under inconsistent character behaviors and extreme plot devices, sewing a tapestry of frustration rather than empathy. There's an imbalance, calling into question why there needs to be two separate arcs when they merge into a singular, indistinguishable thought.

    Switching focus to a secondary character, who shines in his complexity and stirring performance, it’s a mystery why the story didn’t pivot to capitalize on such a compelling figure. It's an underutilization that does a disservice both to the character and to the audience.

    As the series progresses, disillusionment grows. It's difficult not to feel a sense of injustice for certain characters who, despite a resonant portrayal by the likes of Leo Luo, experience scant screen time and negligible character growth—a waste of potential and of the audience's expectations set by his past acclaimed works.

    In conclusion, the drama is unlikely to make a revisited watch list. It's a story that could perhaps have been succinctly told in fewer episodes, trimming the fat of excessive twists and superfluous close-ups. With a score that fails to leave an imprint and a lead who might benefit from a little less limelight, this narrative proves to be an exercise in patience – one that leaves a resonant question as to the title's relevance which, curiously, seems to serve more as a bait than a hallmark.

  • shydwayne88

    Overall 9

    Story 8Acting 8.5Music 9.5Rewatch Value 9

    Among the myriad of options available to us this season, there's this one gem that has captured my fancy the most! This makes it not only a noteworthy watch but also one that deserves the dedicated time and immersion.

    The series presents a feast for the senses; its stunning cinematography envelopes viewers in lush landscapes, with sets that transport us through time, while a mesmerizing soundtrack, boasting vocals by the cast members themselves, accentuates the experience. The costume designs are a sight to behold, and the...

    cast is as aesthetically pleasing as they are skilled in their craft.

    Those seeking a dash of romance will find their hearts gently stirred, though I should mention the emotional interplay is a tad subdued. It doesn't quite reach the fiery synergy of pairings seen in other dearly beloved romances, but it holds its own. If you appreciated the energy of certain other historical dramas, you'll acclimatize nicely to this series. It shares a kinship in atmosphere but benefits from a more coherent progression of its narrative.

    Patience is key with this series as it unveils the protagonist's past in fragmented recollections that eventually weave together a complete tapestry. The storytellers have done commendable work in maintaining a tightly woven plot, managing to avoid the common pitfalls of wandering subplots that can plague lengthy dramas.

    It's earned a spot at the pinnacle of my favorites list, having been a delightful companion through many a relaxing evening. With its conclusion, there's a small void where it once was, but I remain hopeful for equally captivating tales as the year unfolds.

  • smoothhan2

    Overall 9

    Story 9Acting 9.5Music 10Rewatch Value 8

    This review may contain spoilers
    Having just completed a journey through a compelling historical Chinese drama, I feel compelled to share my whirlwind of emotions. Although this is my first written reflection on a series, the lingering impact of the storyline prompts me to articulate my sentiments. In my view, this particular drama stands out as one of the most exquisitely produced Chinese works of television in recent memory. Whether the adaptation remains faithful to its literary origins is something I cannot say, but the...

    tragic narrative it weaves is both heartbreakingly beautiful and emotionally taxing.

    The heart and soul of this drama undoubtedly resonates from the outstanding performances by the youthful cast, with particular acclaim deserved for Sophie Zhang. Her portrayal of the conflicted and resilient heroine is pivotal throughout every installment. While the supporting cast delivers commendably, Sophie's performance towers above, showcasing a remarkable evolution from her earlier role I recall in an adaptation of "The Return of the Condor Heroes." Here, her character embodies a spectrum of emotions, from joy to despair, and her ability to convey these feelings with such authenticity makes her stand out.

    Two particular moments epitomize her talent: the harrowing scene where her character's ailment is used as a bargaining chip, and the discovery of a potential remedy. Both moments are testament to her formidable acting prowess, and would be the sole reason I might consider revisiting this series—though that's a long shot.

    The male leads warrant recognition too. Aarif Rahman exudes a magnetic charisma as the intelligent and valiant male protagonist, though at times, his performance felt somewhat restrained in scenes that called for deeper emotional connection. Still, as the series advances, his portrayal gains substance, and the chemistry he shares with Sophie's character radiates an intoxicating love story that eclipses many in the historical drama genre.

    Jing Chao, likewise, delivers a nuanced performance as a character whose stoic exterior masks a complex inner world. Despite his sparing expressions of emotion, Jing Chao manages to elicit a journey of sentiment towards his character—from initial suspicion to eventual empathy.

    Conversely, Rong Qi's portrayal by Luo Yunxi failed to resonate with me. His inscrutable demeanor might have been deliberate, but it left me feeling detached and ultimately disinterested, especially in the character's supposed redemptive arc in the final stretch of episodes. This storyline—perhaps in an attempt to resolve loose ends—felt overly drawn-out, particularly concerning the protagonist's pregnancy. By that point, the mystery elements had tapered off, and the series might have benefited from a more concise wrap-up.

    Random musings aside, this drama captivated me with both its heavy emotional undercurrents and the impressive acting ensemble. While I find myself hesitant to relive the narrative's weighty tragedy, I eagerly anticipate future projects from this talented cast. On a different note, the lavish costumes struck me as extravagant; while they added visual splendor, some felt a tad excessive.

    For aficionados of profound, emotive storytelling and intense romantic arcs, this drama comes highly recommended. However, if one's preferences lean towards lighthearted romance and joyful resolutions, I'd point them towards refreshing alternatives such as "Joy of Life" or "Under the Power," which both leave a lingering sense of contentment and cheer.

  • energeticcasablanca17

    Overall 6.5

    Story 7Acting 7Music 7Rewatch Value 1

    Be advised, potential plot reveals ahead.
    The series sets sail on a promising note with a respectable premise, competent performances, stunning wardrobe, and engaging skirmishes. Yet as the narrative unfolds, the central male character appears to drift from his narrative moorings. Despite efforts to cement the lovers' bond as indestructible, the duo's lackluster dynamic and possibly tepid portrayals fail to evoke the intended emotional resonance. The rollercoaster of their romance—an ongoing cycle of union and separation— struggles to stir the audience's sympathies.

    Somewhere along the line,...

    the spotlight shifts towards the show's secondary male character, whose portrayal of love and longing adds a layer of complexity to the drama. His journey, brimming with personal misfortunes and attempts at redemption, contrasts sharply with that of the prince. Where one finds favor and forgiveness, the other is ensnared by misjudgment and consistent setbacks. This dichotomy poignantly underscores the unfairness at play, inflaming a sense of empathy for this rival character.

    The central romance, despite its aim to anchor the show, ends up losing momentum. The "will-they-or-won't-they" becomes tedious, not due to the trope itself but to the absence of palpable chemistry between the leads, rendering the emotional beats unremarkable. Far from becoming a gripping watch, it teeters into the realm of the mundane.

    Interestingly, the protagonist's female counterpart carries the series initially, with her effort palpable on-screen. Nevertheless, as the tale progresses beyond the midpoint, it is the complexity and depth of the second male lead that takes center stage—his nuanced nature and struggle between vengeance and vulnerability bring depth not quite matched by the leads.

    Credit is due to the actor of the general, whose convincing performance warrants continued viewership, notwithstanding any potential descent into villainy—a testament to his layered character portrayal.

    An underwhelming detail to note is the lack of visceral emotionality in the romantic expressions presented—not a single kiss that strikes a chord of passion. This, coupled with an ending that feels both predictable and underwhelming in its attempt to impart a life lesson while subverting genuine emotional depth, diminishes the overall impact.

    To sum up, this series is not without merit—particularly for the general's captivating performance and die-hard fans of a certain actor—yet one's patience may be tested by the lead characters and their narratives. Fast-forwarding through their scenes might be a necessity for some. For those who appreciate the main storyline, there are rewards to be found. But as for rewatch value, it is quite wanting. The soundtrack suffices but fails to linger in the memory.

    Would I recommend this series? With reservations. One may find the storytelling display uneven, with some performances outshining others and some narrative arcs stimulating more investment than others. The conclusion falls short of its potential, and despite not feeling rushed, it fails to leave a memorable impression. Approach with moderated expectations, and perhaps, find an appreciation for the facets that shine, however scattered they may be.

  • boldearth

    Overall 9

    Story 9Acting 9Music 10Rewatch Value 8

    Compelling Storyline, Captivating Performances, and a Satisfying Conclusion

    Indeed, I've become thoroughly engrossed in this period drama, which I was on the verge of giving up on after an unimpressive start that tested my patience. Initially, the debut left me somewhat cold, yet a few episodes in, I found myself completely captivated.

    The gravitas of this series is admirable. You won't find any grating or frivolous characters here. No infuriating banter, no needless plot contrivances — just the authentic, inescapable complexities born of the characters' intrinsic imperfections,...

    which pave the way for organic character arcs.

    The elegance of the combat scenes is noteworthy; the choreography tinged with ancient martial arts traditions is rendered with a poise and authenticity that's a feast for the eyes. The protagonists deliver these scenes with a finesse that belies a commitment to the art form, devoid of the hyperbolic pyrotechnics often seen elsewhere. Only genuine sounds and movements ground the conflicts in a palpable reality.

    The principal actors, unfamiliar to me before this, have seized their roles with a commitment that left an impression. Their performances have endeared me to their characters — protagonists and antagonists alike. The latter manages to evoke a mix of emotions within the audience, with his mercurial nature adding depth to the narrative tapestry.

    Romantic moments within the series simmer with a fervent intensity, and animosity festers with believability. Special note must be made of the female lead, who embodies strength, intelligence, and compassion. A refreshing departure from the trope of damsels inadvertently imperiling others — here, she's a force to be reckoned with, capable of standing her ground in both the physical and emotional arenas.

    The meticulous attention to detail by the production team is apparent. Plot holes and continuity errors are conspicuously absent. The series shines across the board with its musical score, cinematography, scriptwriting, portrayals, and polished editing.

    In summation, this drama stands as a paragon of its genre, a testament to the craft of storytelling and visual artistry — thoroughly accomplished!