Playing Ep 01



In this captivating tale of sisterly love entwined with the threads of destiny, a nineteen-year-old freshman with an extraordinary gift is at the center. She is no regular law student; she possesses the remarkable power to manipulate the flow of time. Her sibling, a year her junior, is bestowed with the equally incredible ability to catch glimpses of forthcoming events. Nevertheless, her foresight has recently become unreliable, casting doubt over her prognostications.

Among her dubious predictions is the predestined love between her sister and an older student, known for his less-than-stellar reputation, who is pursuing a degree in international business. Despite the ill-famed rumours that cling to his name, destiny seems to have entwined their paths.

As darkness looms over their supposed star-crossed romance, threatening a fate filled with sorrow, the sisters unite with a resolve to challenge the seemingly inescapable tragedy that destiny has mapped out for them. Their journey is a testament to the lengths one will go to overturn the cruel hands of fate and seize control of their own, and each other's, destinies.

Episode Name Date Added
Episode 01 Oct 22, 2024