In a story set during the Japanese occupation, our protagonist, Lee Jung Chool, finds himself torn between his past connections to the Korean independence movement and his current role as a police officer for the occupying forces. Tasked with dismantling the underground resistance organization known as the Heroic Corps, Lee grapples with conflicting allegiances as he pursues a former classmate turned key fighter, Kim Jan Ok.
As the plot unfolds, Lee's path intersects with that of Kim Woo Jin, an art dealer suspected of leading the regional resistance. Behind the facade of his antique shop, Woo Jin orchestrates a scheme to smuggle explosives from Shanghai to Seoul. Both Lee and Woo Jin are aware of each other's true identities and intentions, yet they tentatively draw closer in search of vital information.
Meanwhile, the leader of the Heroic Corps, Jung Che San, sees an opportunity in Lee's internal struggle and endeavors to sway him to their cause. However, Lee's actions do not go unnoticed, and the ever-watchful officer Hashimoto adds to his mounting suspicions.
Caught between duty and loyalty, Lee faces a profound internal dilemma that could make him a traitor or an ally to either side. With his allegiance hanging in the balance, the choices he makes will shape the course of his journey, ultimately determining his true fate.