10 years ago, a young girl named Ja Yoon managed to escape from a mysterious incident at a government facility. With no memory of her past, she is taken in by a kind elderly couple who care for her as their own. Growing up, Ja Yoon becomes a talented high school student and decides to participate in a widely-watched audition show. Her goal is to win the top prize and support her struggling adoptive family. However, as soon as she appears on television, her life takes a strange turn.
Suddenly, unfamiliar individuals begin to enter Ja Yoon's life. Among them is a enigmatic man known as 'Nobleman' who constantly lurks in the shadows. Additionally, 'Dr. Baek' and 'Mr. Choi', who have tirelessly searched for Ja Yoon since her disappearance, also reappear. As these mysterious figures disrupt her seemingly ordinary existence, Ja Yoon's life rapidly spirals into chaos.