Playing Ep 17



In the mystical saga adapted from Ni Luo's literary work "Shi Er Tan," a being of supernatural origins, who emerged from a stone, transcends the realms of gods and demons alike. Transformed from his primordial form, he now presides over a gallery that becomes a confluence for creatures of various demonic origins, each with their own tales of romantic pursuits and the lengths to which they would go for love.

At the heart of this eternal drama is the enigmatic and captivating figure of Jin Xing Jian, no longer just a stone but an entity between celestial and infernal. Within the bustling world of supernatural beings and human affairs, his existence intertwines with that of Ye Ming, a mysterious woman crafted from the essence of the night pearl. Their entwined destinies craft a love tale that unfolds across millennia, delivering an odyssey that oscillates between whimsical humor and poignant moments, fervent passion, and tender sweetness. Their love narrative is a testament to the timeless dance between the human world and the realm of demons, capturing the complexities and depth of an immortal romance.

Episode Name Date Added
Episode 01 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 02 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 03 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 04 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 05 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 06 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 07 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 08 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 09 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 10 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 11 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 12 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 13 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 14 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 15 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 16 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 17 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 18 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 19 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 20 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 21 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 22 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 23 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 24 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 25 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 26 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 27 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 28 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 29 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 30 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 31 Jan 30, 2023
Episode 32End Jan 30, 2023

What people are saying

  • sharpmercury68

    Overall 3.5

    Story 2.5Acting 3.5Music 1Rewatch Value 1

    In this recent foray into the fantasy genre, we follow a tale woven around a stoic stone deity, as portrayed by a notable Taiwanese heartthrob, and his quest to revive the love of his life, a luminous night pearl brought to life by an ethereal Uyghur actress. Their odyssey unfolds following a tragic sacrifice where the deity chooses to seal his beloved's memories to quell the consequences of her rebellion against the celestial order.

    Throughout the series, our protagonist's journey to recover the fragments of his...

    essence – depicted as mystical seals – which also serve as conduits to unfold the narratives of various intriguing side characters. As engrossing as these narratives can be, interlacing suspense, action, and humor, the execution leaves much to be desired given the wandering nature of the screenplay that occasionally loses momentum.

    The fantastical elements of the drama stand on wobbly legs due to inconsistent and, at times, underwhelming visual effects, which is quite surprising considering the apparently generous budget. Despite a palette of otherworldly creatures like mermaids and mythical foxes, the computer-generated imagery fails to seamlessly integrate into the show's fabric, and the editing techniques struggle to mask these flaws, reminiscent perhaps of novice work rather than professional craftsmanship.

    Fraught with a climax that barely simmers rather than boil over, the narrative's resolution comes across as both underwhelming and perplexing. The omnipotence attributed to the leading male character belies the simplicity of his downfall, and his love interest's arc flattens, rather than ascends – her naïveté persisting almost to a fault, despite the sacrifices made in her name.

    Performance-wise, our leading man commands the screen with a robust blend of aloofness and warmth, while his on-screen partner’s performance might not show marked improvement from previous roles, she does mesmerize with her striking presence. Supporting characters, particularly a demonic pair whose love story deftly navigates a battlefield of emotions, along with others, provide commendable depth to the narrative.

    In the realm of aesthetics, the series triumphs with meticulously designed attire and intricately constructed sets that transport viewers back to the allure of the Republican era. The original soundtrack, while fitting, seems to miss a hook that would etch it into memory.

    On the scale of mediocrity, this series straddles the line between passable and underwhelming. For those who relish the genre or hold allegiance to the cast, it may offer a sufficient diversion. But for viewers seeking a tightly woven narrative and visual grandeur, this offering might be akin to a beautifully bound book whose pages tell an all-too-familiar tale with too few surprises.

  • fluffydeng40

    Overall 5

    Story 5.5Acting 5Music 7Rewatch Value 1

    From the onset, the protagonists of this series seemed to elicit more disdain than empathy—a curious choice by the creators. It's baffling that the viewers are expected to rally behind the lead character who, from the get-go, seems more an antagonist than a hero. Swiftly, my affections for any of the characters dwindled as I watched them interfere and wreak havoc on the lives of characters we were initially drawn to.

    Unlike narratives where morally grey characters undergo a detailed transformative journey, winning our hearts with...

    fleshed-out redemption arcs, this series falls short. Here, there's a stark lack of gradual evolution, and audiences are abruptly nudged to side with the "heroes," without the requisite narrative support.

    Even as I persevered to the end, a completionist at heart, my investment in the characters' fates, their intertwined love stories, and their ultimate sacrifices remained hollow. The emotional beats meant to resonate simply echoed in an uncaring void.

    Furthermore, the production quality did little to redeem the story's shortcomings. The recycled sets and costumes lacked authenticity, failing to transport me to the intended era, while the technical aspects like lighting and makeup were unremarkable.

    My advice is to consider spending your viewing hours on something more engrossing, as this series may not be worth the investment.

  • SlowFootloose1

    Overall 6.5

    Story 6.5Acting 7Music 8Rewatch Value 5

    The following musings may reveal pivotal plot elements.
    This latest series could catch your attention should your admiration for the cast run deep. However, avid devotion to an actor’s work might not be enough to tether you through the series' turbulent waters. The narrative unfolds as a collection of vignettes, each a stepping stone on the path of the main saga—centred around our prime duo. Curiously enough, these peripheral tales manage to outshine the key storyline, which seems to lack the necessary zest for a...

    compelling narrative. With a preference for subplots, I found myself glossing over the central arc, but let's dissect the reasons behind that choice.

    The story braids themes of passion, avarice, and egoism, fashioning the fabric of our protagonists' journey. I find the major thread tying the leads' tale—that enigmatic secret from the past—a potential promise deflated by its execution. The heroine, plagued with induced amnesia, remains clueless due to the hero's obstinate silence. As the secret's curtain was drawn, the anticlimax left a taste of predictability—mercifully, the supporting tales held enough intrigue to pull the narrative carriage forward. The initial chapters entice, but a lull in the midsection beckons a scan over the doldrums, without a fear of missing much.

    As the denouement nears, the herculean might displayed by our hero against the villain undermines what could have been a legendary standoff. After witnessing the villain's laborious quest for power, their confrontation dissolves far too abruptly, leaving a desire for a more drawn-out struggle that never arrives.

    When it comes to performances, the ensemble features a fresh presence in the form of Gulnezer, whose portrayal is respectable, even though her emotional sequences struggle to resonate. The heroine, while tinged with naivety, is spared from sheer foolishness through her moments of agency and combat readiness.

    The hero, brought to life by Jasper, is a study in the dichotomy between intellect and the follies of love, offering a solid performance despite a voice not his own. The secondary leads, portrayed by Li Xian and Xiao Qing, inject welcomed humor into the tale, standing as commendable foils to the primary characters, though plot dictates have stripped Li Xian’s character of a chance at victory against the foes.

    Then we have the Ye siblings—the sister's depiction initially grates on the nerves but matures in later scenes, while the brother consistently delivers as a symbol of true friendship.

    Our antagonist, courtesy of Liu Chang, stands out with notable improvement from his previous roles, channeling a surprising depth, yet suffers occasional mismatch with the dubbing.

    In summary, if your motivations align with allegiance to a favored performer, perhaps this show will suffice. Otherwise, seek entertainment elsewhere. The visual effects are passable, my expectations being moderate, though a certain mermaid tail does strike an odd note in an otherwise decent digital landscape.

  • SoftChen56

    Overall 4

    Story 6Acting 3Music 5Rewatch Value 1.5

    Envision a tapestry rich with ancient lore interwoven with the threads of early 20th-century historical backdrop—this is the canvas upon which our latest televised saga paints its grand narrative. The concept beguiles, presenting mythical beings from a bygone era, stepping through time to grace the politically charged atmosphere of China's yesteryears. Yet, despite the luscious premise, the execution proved to be as underwhelming as the impassive heroine at its center. Portrayed by an actress known for her icy demeanor, the lead character exudes a chill...

    that could extinguish the warmest of narratives.

    For those who find enjoyment in observing aesthetics personified through glacial beauty, the drama may very well suit your taste. However, the narrative’s rhythm dances haltingly, jarring with its abrupt pauses and jumps rather than gliding through the intertwined subplots which held such promise.

    Remarkably, the series did provide a striking tableau of contrasts: the starkness between the corruption-infused military elite and the pure-hearted ethos of the storied entities from Chinese mythology was an allegory not lost, manifesting through their very garb and bearing. Alas, these subtleties became scant consolation within an opus marred by its potential left unfulfilled. Our journey through this historical and mythical melange ultimately rates but a mere whisper of enchantment, scoring but a handful of magical koi fish in an otherwise empty pond.

  • bitterlin91

    Overall 3.5

    Story 5Acting 5Music 7.5Rewatch Value 1

    As a dedicated enthusiast of Chinese television dramas, I've learned to embrace their distinctive tropes and have often found myself spellbound, even when the conclusions lean towards the tragic or leave me less than satisfied. Throughout my countless hours journeying through the intricate narratives and emotional landscapes, I've celebrated many a character — heroes and heroines who capture the heart with their valor or vulnerability.

    Yet, I encountered for the first time, a protagonist whose fate I would've gladly seen take a turn for the worse....

    The leading lady, who was possibly conceived with the intention of embodying nobility, instead came across as tragically misguided and self-absorbed. Her actions, rather than painting her in the light of selflessness, inadvertently highlighted a stark selfish streak. Her blatant disregard for the male protagonist's steadfast devotion and selfless acts of sacrifice left much to be desired.

    The male lead, while undoubtedly dedicated, exhibited a form of overprotective behavior that strayed into troubling territory, tinged with hints of misogyny that I found unsettling. His demeanor towards the female lead was well-intended yet far from being an exemplar of healthy relationship dynamics.

    As I navigated through the series with an ever-mounting sense of frustration, I was at least consoled by the succinct nature of the show's duration — a small mercy for which I was thankful. The final episode drew a heavy sigh from me — a testament to the relief of completing a tale that, unfortunately, was marred by characters whose choices and attitudes I could not condone or root for.