Playing Ep 08



Aboard an extravagant seafaring vessel bound for tropical paradise, two souls from vastly different spheres of life serendipitously meet, initiating a twist of fate that will entwine their lives irreversibly. A meek and compliant office worker finds herself in the company of a suave and worldly scion of a toiletry empire. Their unexpected encounter spirals into a complex romance following a harmless blunder that misrepresents their identity, resulting in an impromptu night together and subsequent encounters back on land.

Dramatic familial expectations come to the forefront when an unplanned pregnancy emerges from their fleeting union, ushering them into a strategically arranged marriage with a premeditated end date. The agreement dictates the child's custody to remain with the business heir, who harbors plans to solidify a union with his longstanding romantic partner, a dedicated performer.

A series of miscommunications and external meddling precipitates a distressing occurrence, leaving the young mother grief-stricken and prompting her escape from her former life and love, seeking solace in the distant and picturesque landscapes of Hungary. Supported by her confidant – an art aficionado in search of his estranged siblings – she forges a new identity in the art of ceramics, guided by a prestigious mentor.

As she heals and grows, her former partner undergoes a personal transformation, coming to value the essence of family and grappling with the unwelcome advances from his would-be fiancée desperate to reclaim his affections. Meanwhile, the supportive friend at her side continues his personal journey to reconnect with his lost family.

A serendipitous business engagement ultimately reunites the pair in the quaint byways of Hungary, exposing their enduring connection. The intertwining of their past and the anticipation of what the future may hold promise a re-ignition of the love that was once thought to be extinguished.

Episode Name Date Added
Episode 34 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 33 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 32 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 31 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 30 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 29 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 28 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 27 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 26 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 25 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 24 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 23 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 22 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 21 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 20 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 19 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 18 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 17 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 16 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 15 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 14 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 13 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 12 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 11 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 10 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 09 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 08 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 07 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 06 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 05 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 04 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 03 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 02 Mar 24, 2023
Episode 01 Mar 24, 2023

What people are saying

  • SweetUnforgiven

    Overall 5

    Story 7Acting 7.5Music 7Rewatch Value 5

    This interpretation might contain spoilers:

    Excessively melodramatic and filled with unnecessary back-and-forth, the show left me feeling unsatisfied. I found the original version more engaging, despite the main character's off-putting behavior, as the storyline was more robust. With high hopes due to my admiration for the lead character, I was ultimately let down. One aspect I appreciated more in this adaptation was the initial development in the relationship, where their connection was not influenced by external factors, but rather a result of spending time together...

    and letting loose. However, the overall tone of this version felt heavier compared to the lighter feel of the Korean or Taiwanese iterations.

    The middle section, where the male lead realizes his feelings, lacked depth and came across as uninspired — his realization seemingly stemming from the convenience of living together rather than any genuine emotional connection. The prolonged ending, filled with repetitive back-and-forth declarations of love, dragged on unnecessarily. Despite revealing his numerous selfless acts and heartfelt gestures, the female lead still chooses to leave on a trip, which felt like an unconvincing plot choice. The on-and-off dynamic between the characters became tiresome as they struggled to reconcile their feelings, prolonging the resolution.

    Notably absent was a period of reconciliation and sweet moments following their reunion, as the narrative promptly moved towards a rushed wedding, leaving much to be desired. The heightened drama and lack of emotional payoff failed to captivate me, leading me to skip through segments due to waning interest. Overall, this version did not meet my expectations and failed to provide the closure and warmth I had hoped for.

  • boldviola

    Overall 7.5

    Story 7.5Acting 8Music 8.5Rewatch Value 7.5

    Finished watching a recent series that has stirred up some discussions lately. The show in question is a remake of a beloved classic drama and let me tell you, the comparisons are inevitable. I'll do my best to steer clear of revealing the title, though.

    Let's kick things off with the story. Personally, I found the original storyline to have that quintessential charm of classic drama, albeit a bit over the top and at times, unrealistic. The remake, on the other hand, decided to modernize...

    the narrative, making it more relatable and down-to-earth. But, in doing so, some of that magical charm was lost in translation, turning it into just another run-of-the-mill modern drama.

    Now, onto some pivotal changes in the main storyline - there's the whole accidental pregnancy scenario. In the original, it was truly accidental, adding a layer of complexity to the characters' relationships. However, the remake took a different approach, turning the accidental situation into a more problematic affair. This shift in the storyline was a tough pill to swallow for fans of the original.

    Moving on to the character development, specifically the transformation of the female lead from a 'sticky note' girl to a stronger, more confident individual. The original portrayed this transformation beautifully, emphasizing the importance of the male lead in her journey. However, the remake failed to capture the essence of this evolution effectively, resulting in a less impactful character arc.

    And finally, the big reveal moment. In the original, the reveal was a significant turning point that led to character growth and resolution. On the flip side, the remake's reveal felt rushed and lacked the emotional depth needed to truly resonate with the audience.

    As for the acting, while the main leads had previously wowed audiences in another series, their performances in this remake fell a bit short. However, kudos to the supporting cast, who delivered standout performances, adding depth to the overall viewing experience.

    In conclusion, this remake was decent but failed to leave a lasting impression compared to its iconic predecessor. Had I not been familiar with the original, I might have enjoyed it more. But when you decide to remake a classic, comparisons are inevitable, and in this case, the original still holds a special place in the hearts of many viewers.

  • calmim

    Overall 5

    Story 2Acting 8Music 9Rewatch Value 1

    Initially captivating and engaging, the series took an unexpected turn that left me feeling drained and disillusioned. While this review is based solely on my personal perspective, it appears that there are viewers who found enjoyment in the show, which is commendable. I must clarify that I have not experienced any previous iterations of this genre, and I may explore them in the future to gauge if my concerns lie with this specific adaptation or the storyline itself.

    Let's delve into the performances first. I have...

    a keen admiration for the main duo and their acting prowess. Their on-screen chemistry, reminiscent of their previous collaboration, initially drew me in, but as the narrative progressed and one character underwent a significant transformation, that chemistry seemed to diminish. While their portrayals occasionally bordered on the melodramatic, it somehow suited the overall tone of the series. The supporting characters, particularly the best friends of the main leads, injected much-needed levity into the plot and were the highlight of the show for me, especially towards the climax where they provided a welcome respite from the escalating drama.

    Speaking of the plot, the series commenced as one of the most delightfully absurd dramas I've encountered. The eccentricity, coupled with the lighthearted execution, had me in stitches during the initial episodes. It appeared to be a show where one could revel in the unconventional narrative without overanalyzing. However, the whimsical scenarios that initially brought joy eventually morphed into absurdities that felt forced and exasperating. The proliferation of misunderstandings, each more convoluted than the last, reached a threshold where I found myself indifferent to their resolution, simply yearning for the story to conclude.

    For me, a good drama is one that keeps viewers eagerly anticipating the next development, rooted in coherent plot points that unfold organically. While frustrations may arise, they are balanced with moments of joy or hope. In contrast, a lackluster drama thrives on contrived misunderstandings that strain credibility. Unfortunately, this series fell into the latter category, with a succession of avoidable miscommunications driving the main characters apart needlessly. If conflicts can be effortlessly resolved through basic dialogue, they cease to be compelling sources of drama.

    A glaring issue was the sudden character evolution of the female lead. While narrative rationale may justify her drastic shift, the abrupt nature of her transformation left me disoriented. Even profound personal growth should retain echoes of a character's original essence, yet she appeared as an entirely different individual devoid of any trace of her former self. This jarring alteration not only affected the dynamic between the main couple but also highlighted inconsistencies in the male lead's demeanor. His purported coldness clashed with his inherently warm nature, creating a puzzling characterization that occasionally felt out of sync.

    While there is more I could critique, I'll conclude by expressing my disappointment in witnessing a promising series progressively lose its charm and essence. Perhaps a condensed version could have salvaged the intriguing narrative elements, yet the haphazard execution, contrived conflicts, and character handling proved wearisome and disheartening. Despite these setbacks, I must commend the series' exceptional OST, a bright spot amidst a sea of disillusionment.

  • silentjulia44

    Overall 6.5

    Story 6Acting 9Music 8Rewatch Value 8

    Warning: Spoilers Ahead!

    The recent episodes of the series took a disappointing turn, leaving a bitter taste in the viewers' mouths. The main issue that stood out was the involvement of a deceitful third party who resorted to manipulative tactics to achieve her selfish desires. While watching characters navigate challenges and conflicts in pursuit of love can be engaging, the use of dishonest means to sow discord between the main couple was both repulsive and distressing.

    A pivotal moment in the storyline was when a prenuptial...

    agreement crucial for the female lead's protection was maliciously swapped for a divorce document by the conniving third party. This intentional deception led to a heartbreaking misunderstanding between the main characters, resulting in a prolonged separation filled with regrets and missed opportunities. The third party's relentless pursuit of the male lead, despite his lack of genuine affection for her, added another layer of distastefulness to the narrative.

    The climax of the series, where the male lead ended up with the manipulative third party and the female lead found solace with the third party's brother, felt forced and unsatisfactory. The lack of genuine emotion and happiness in these pairings highlighted the insidious nature of the third party's actions, leaving viewers frustrated and disillusioned with the resolutions presented.

    The lack of effective communication between the main characters further exacerbated the situation, as attempts to clarify misunderstandings were consistently thwarted by emotional barriers and misinterpretations. The drawn-out conflict that could have been swiftly resolved with open and honest dialogue instead dragged on for multiple episodes, testing the audience's patience and investment in the storyline.

    In the closing moments of the series, when the truth finally came to light, it felt rushed and inadequate, robbing viewers of the chance to witness the much-anticipated reconciliation between the main couple. The potential for a satisfying resolution was overshadowed by missed opportunities and unnecessary drama, ultimately culminating in a disappointing and disheartening conclusion.

    Overall, the series' reliance on deceitful tactics, lack of meaningful communication, and unsatisfactory resolutions marred what could have been a more fulfilling viewing experience for audiences.

  • happytang81

    Overall 7.5

    Story 7.5Acting 8Music 8.5Rewatch Value 7

    Warning: Spoilers Ahead
    In this captivating series, the focus is on the powerful impact of choices and chances in shaping destiny. Unlike previous similar shows, the character who usually fails to capture my interest stands out in this rendition. Wang Xiyi's portrayal is exceptionally endearing, sensible, and well-developed, leading me to reassess my initial reservations about this storyline. The adaptation injects a refreshing take on familiar tropes by toning down the villainous elements and intricate plots. The transformation from "Marriage by Accident" to "Accidentally Married"...

    adds a delightful comedic touch to the narrative.

    The deviation from the anticipated plot twist where the male lead is coerced into a compromising situation by the female lead's relative is a welcome change. Rather than deflecting blame, the male lead takes ownership of his mistakes, prompting introspection and growth. The evolution of the female lead throughout the episodes is masterfully depicted, showcasing her physical and emotional journey that is not solely fueled by heartbreak but also by genuine character development, catalyzed by the caring influence of Wang Xiyi.

    The series subtly explores themes of self-empowerment and autonomy, exemplified by Jia Xin's agency in choosing her own path and the respectful manner in which her work dynamics are adjusted to accommodate her needs. The nuanced portrayal of the antagonist in this version adds layers to the narrative, eliciting a mix of empathy and exasperation towards her choices and their repercussions.

    The introduction of a secondary romance subplot provides a charming contrast to the main narrative, offering a blend of humor and tenderness in the evolving relationship between two supporting characters. The poignant handling of a miscarriage storyline tugs at the heartstrings, effectively portraying the couple's shared grief and intricate emotional journey. The resolution, while satisfying overall, leaves a slight sense of yearning for a more thorough closure on certain narrative threads.

    Overall, this series offers a delightful viewing experience, blending moments of laughter, reflection, and bittersweetness. The cast delivers nuanced performances that navigate the complexities of relationships and personal growth with aplomb, culminating in a satisfying narrative that engages both emotions and intellect.